Tuesday, March 17, 2009

At 94

At 94

Pop started to spend more time
on the front porch than his workshop.
He watched barn cats disappear under cars
and the tractors under the overshoot,
while their kittens pounced
on unsuspecting crickets.

“Yes we have no bananas” never got old
nor did, “You are growin’ and I am shrinkin’”

And with great excitement
he would tell us how many hummy birds
had visited the Rose of Sharon today.

No one dared to tell him
the visitors were impostors.
Fuzzy bellied moths with a pair
of wings that hummed and hovered
before the blossoms.

He passed believing he was leaving
his great grandchildren a world
with more hummingbirds than ever.

And kittens that caught crickets in the grass.

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