Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hoping I’ll be in your arms again

I know I’ve hurt you to the deepest core
I deserve your ignorance
Yelling and blaming is all I gave you
In my anger I didn’t seem to care

But now you’ve turned you’re back on me
You’ve left me in despair
I need you I need your love around me
You know it was depression and frustration
That made me say all I shouldn’t have
It feels that world has turned its back on me
When you are not around to hold me
Life seems to be deserted
With not even an oasis to dream of
When I receive your staring unfriendly glance
May be I don’t deserve your forgiveness
But is our love and intimacy so fragile
To die out so easily
Remember you used to say
You’ll steal me away from me
When I’m no more mine I’m all yours
Alone to suffer you are leaving me
You carried our relation so far
You’ve always been there one who cared
Now you are all ready to leave me out to die
With these tears in my heart and grief on my eyes
I want you to know its not good to insult my love
Please don’t let me down
If this has to be the end of what we shared
Let me say a few things before you turn away
My love for you will never decay
My feelings have fossiled deep in my heart
If you ever wish to return anyway
You’ll have to dig double deep inside
It wasn’t me who decided to leave
I still sit and rock on my chair
Hoping I’ll be in your arms again.....

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